Monday, January 23, 2006

first blog

Well first little blog on here. I will be relating my life as an alienated parent. I will offer links and information on PAS(parenal alienation syndrome) as well as my views of the "system" that seems to allow this blatant abuse of our children. I will also talk about my ex husband who I will refer to as "FLICK" and the spouse abuse inflicted on me during my marriage to this pathetic person. You may notice that at times I will RAGE about the US ARMY Special Forces, as I believe FLICK took all of his tactics from the training he recieves from this "brotherhood". Not that he didn't display sociopathic behaviors prior to getting his "TAB" but, the training compounded the problem. You will get to know me and the life I have lead, the mistakes I have made, the loves of my life, and the regrets. And if nothing else, I have found a place that I can Vent. In my opinion, the reality check bounced for these people who alienate their children.The only way to fix a broken system is with education and legislation to include parental alienation as a major form of systematic psychological child abuse.


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