Wednesday, January 25, 2006

sshhh... explanation of The Golden TW@T

I have been asked many times to explain the term "GOLDEN TW@T" and I figure today is a good enough time to enlighten people. I coined this term from a wonderful therapist I had seen on only a few occassions. I went to her to deal with my anger because of my ex's infidelities. Along with his constant verbal abuse.His favorite little "wittism" was to tell me, in front of an audience of some sort, to shut my C@CKHOLSTER. One can imagine the devastation and the humiliation that this created. Not to include that half of the 3rd SF group was aware of his infidelities while in Dominican Republic. I mean, I got e mails from some of his fellow soldiers warning me NOT to let him touch me because he had been with a "local native". And these guys were told in no uncertain terms as to why they should have no relations with these people. Number one being Aids, two being STDs. Upon his return, was when he decided that he got better looking everyday and needed a male modeling portfolio. If you click that little "flickr badge" it will take you to some pictures. He is in there. Personally, I think he was delusional and suffering from delusions of grandeur. 2 weeks later I recieved a $900 phone bill. Upon his return he began calling his new conquest in Dom Rep, leaving me stuck with this bill. Anyways, I was very upset, to say the least, so I went to this therapist. I was feeling so betrayed, cheated, defiled, and just damn well pissed off. She allowed me to vent and rage for a while. And then cut me off. She smiled and kindly said, "Sweetie, there is NOTHING wrong with you, NOTHING, but your husband has a case of the "Golden Tw@t Syndrome". My mouth dropped open, tears dried up, and I had to laugh. THE WHAT???!!! She explained that it is similar to the idea that the grass is always greener on the other side. But, with just infidelity, they are looking for another person, there are looking for that golden tw@t. They may be searching for someone(anyone) to rekindle that great sex that you all had as a couple, but somehow had been lost, due to the stresses or in my case, the abuse within the relationship. The only problem is, their search eventually always leads right back to YOU..... and by now YOU don't want anything to do with this cheating man. Some of us are able to get past the infidelities and forgive and put it all in the past and then some of us cannot. (This syndrome can also be applied to the opposite sex, just substitute the word) The point is, that everyone has a Golden Tw@t. And just because a man or a woman, depending on gender ect, cheats does not mean that you ever lost it... just means that they forgot...and by the time they finally remember and come back to you because they KNOW where it is now, most of us are long gone, emotionally, physically or both. Who's Reality Check Bounced this time??? ummm THEIRS!


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