Thursday, February 09, 2006


OK, I admit it... I am on a rant. I keep hearing over and over, "our war on terror" "deaths in Iraq" "let's beat terrorism" ect... And I have to laugh. We set such a good example right here in our own country, right?? If our fight is against those who create terror, terrorism, why haven't we started right here in the homeland, right on our own soil??? You might ask, where?? I don't see terrorists with guns attacking people here? What are you talking about!!! Let me begin here. What is terror and terrorism?? Well according to good old Websters: ter·ror ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trr)n. Intense, overpowering fear. See Synonyms at fear. One that instills intense fear: a rabid dog that became the terror of the neighborhood. The ability to instill intense fear: the terror of jackboots pounding down the street. Violence committed or threatened by a group to intimidate or coerce a population, as for military or political purposes. Informal. An annoying or intolerable pest ter·ror·ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (tr-rzm)n. The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. Now that I got that over with.... seems we have a whole lot of terror right here in the good old US of A. We have gangs of thugs wrecking havoc on our city streets, using weapons against the general public. hhmmm....seems to me this meets the definition of TERROR. I know I am terrified and I know others who are also terrorized by this type of people. But, alas, I don't see any military units patroling out streets, intiating a war on our terror. But even worse then this, we have adults...PARENTS....who terrorize their own children. They brutilize, threaten, coerce, manipulate, violate, force, bully, exploit, victimize and defile, their own children!!!! In a nutshell, they create terror within their own children. There fore, they are terrorists and meet the criteria to be called this. And what does our government do about it??? We all know what to look for when we think of child abuse. We look for bruises, marks, scars, broken bones, and the like. This is what the government publizies. And now they have all of these coalitions about internet porn and sexual exploitation of minors on the internet. Not that any of this is wrong. But how can the government and society protect these children if they don't start at the very beginning. You cannot read a book and start in the middle and understand it. There fore, this internet pedophilia began somewhere right???? WITH IN THE FAMILY UNIT. Okay, so John Perv never showed signs of child abuse while growing up... there were no bruises, no broken bones, all of his basic needs were taken care of.... right????? WRONG!!!!!! One may have considered what little Johnny Perv HEARD while growing he was no good, worthless, a BAD boy, unloveable......(we have heard about this type of verbal abuse too, maybe not as often) Then there is the type of abuse that is kept hush not addressed as often by the professionals, is ignored by Child Protective agencies, as well as the court....right along with claims of looking out for the best interest of the children....Psychological abuse. This goes deeper then just name calling. This hits at the very core of a child, and if done by someone who is skilled, the child will never ever speak out against this person. What is psychological abuse??? Psychological abuse refers to the humiliation or intimidation of another person, but is also used to refer to the long-term effects of emotional shock.Psychological abuse can take the form of physical intimidation, controlling through scare tactics and oppression. Psychological abuse is becoming more prevelent in todays society. Yet there is no one who can protect the children who are victims of this form of terrorism. WHY NOT?? If the child cannot or will not verbalize this abuse, or if a concerned person cannot prove that this abuse is having physical effects on the child, there is absolutly NOTHING anyone will do. And these agencies and courts and judges do not consider that these children fear, are in terror of, or have been so manipulated, so coerced by the adult, that they think this is all NORMAL. Or if not normal, that they are powerless to stop it. Later, as these children grow into young adults, they find out that the society in which they trusted to protect them, just did not care enough to consider anything but the obvious. And so they continue on, doing to others, what has been done to them. And we still have our own homeland terrorists. And the horrible thing is, they terrorize the smallest victims. And yet we do NOTHING. We sit back at home, in front of the TV, watch the abuse of people in Iraq, or the suffering in Africa, and think, how horrible. We say the US should go there and save these people. We respond to the psychological torture of the prisoners of war in Afganistand and Iraq, with disgust. Yet we ALLOW this to happen to our children, on our own soil and turn a blind eye to it!!! Funny, if one looks at the signs and symtoms of spouse abuse/domestic violence, we all know it goes in cycles. And we recognize what it does to the adult victim, and we have set up shelters and programs for these spouses. Ways to protect these people...Yet the system we have set up for the children is so much more flawed!!! They fall thru the cracks like roaches. The following are the signs of an abusive relationship. No one seems to consider that parenthood is also a relationship and this relationship can be just as abusive. Especially considering the children can not up and run away, go to a shelter, or in some cases even talk about it for fear of punishment. Warning signs These are some of the warning signs that may indicate either you or someone else is being abused. *physical harm of any kind *attempts to control aspects of your life (e.g., how you dress, who your friends are, what you say, etc.) *humiliation *coercing and/or threats of physical harm to you or those close to you. *demanding to know where you are at all times *abuses drugs or alchohol *individual grew up witnessing an abusive relationship, and/or was abused as a child *individual "rages" when they are hurt, shamed, or are in jeapordy of losing control in the relationship I beleive it is time that we declare a war on homeland terrorism... the very worst kind....because this kind of terrorism, just like in Iraq or Afganistan, breeds the smallest and youngest of terrorists....right here in the United States. And it makes so so.....sad. (Parental Alienation, Child Alienation, Hostile Agressive Parenting, Brainwashing or what ever you want to call it, is the systematic psychological abuse of childern....Learn about, take steps to prevent it.)


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