Thursday, March 09, 2006

Today, in a conversation a few of us were having, we were discussing the Ship of Fools....How we as people see other people in need of help or intervention but we allow this "ship" to continue to sail from port to port and no one takes the time to get involved. Maybe out of fear, maybe we are too busy, or maybe we just don';t want to make waves or cause trouble...and so the ship continues to sail the same cycle over and over. With Parental Alienation (PAS) there are many common factors...... 1. Many people are aware that something is wrong but are unable to put their finger on exactly what. 2. Alienators often keep the children incredibly close, thus limiting the opportunities for someone else to observe or have influence on them. 3. By the time people start putting the pieces together they are often no longer involved with the parent or child due to no. 4. 4. Alienators will often immediately disassociate themselves and the child from anyone who challenges them or who fails to completely align with their beliefs and practices. 5. Sadly, for many people, it is a case of “in the too hard basket”. After all, many would not know where to go? Whom to inform? And who will both listen and act? Why do we, as human beings wait until it is almost too late or that so much damage is done that it may be too hard to fix ,to speak up???? I just bet anyone reading this has seen some of these signs in a family they know....yet felt it was none of their business to say a thing..... And yet you might rant or rave about child abuse, spouse abuse, or other social issues. Why not speak up?? Are you that fearful of losing that friendship?? Is it really worth the guilt that you may carry around, knowing deep down that something is just not right?? Parental Alienation is Child Abuse, plain and simple. You can disect it, twist it around, turn it upside down.... and it still spells child abuse....if one of your good friends was being abused either physically or emotionally by their spouse, you would pull the friend over to the side and offer her/him advice.... offer help....give opinions.........WHY is it so much harder to come to the defense of a CHILD??? Sure go ahead, turn your head, look the other way..... and join those people on the Ship of Fools.... Keep your head in the sand....But DO NOT QUESTION SOCIETY WHEN THESE SAME CHILDREN COMMIT CRIMES, COMMIT SUICIDE, OR BECOME SOCIAL PROBLEMS...........YOU AIDED IN THE CREATION....BY IGNORING WHAT YOUR GUT TOLD YOU!!! BY NOT SPEAKING UP!!!


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