Who will save the children?? Other then parents, who protects the children???If one parent has been systematically erased, it is left to the other parent, the one who has the children. What happens if this parent is the abuser? The children suffer. They fall thru the cracks. And no one gives a damn. For the parent who has been "erased", this is probably the worst thing they have ever experienced. They try to fight a losing battle. A battle against the exact same system that gave their precious children to the abuser to begin with. The same system that allows itself to be manipulated by slick individuals that know all the "right" answers. The same system that wears the rose colored glasses. And we all call this CHILD PROTECTION!!!
The problems are multiplied if the "erased" parent is just making ends meet. There is no system out there, that suports and aids those parents, who want to protect their children from abuse, if they cannot financially afford the legal system. Legal Aid?? Not if you do not have the children, or you have not been served with papers. And if you have a job, forget about it. Even when these same people hear stories of the systematic abuse of children, they just do not care. Call CPS. As if...One can try to file all of their own papers and get a court date, and then it is you against the high paid attorney who could care less about the abuse, but only cares about getting another notch in their belt...yea....we have another winner!!! And the children lose. Stand up and take a bow, Mr High Priced Lawyer Person....pat yourself on the back. Whatever happened to PERSONAL INTEGRITY????
I am sickened. And saddened. That a country with so many resources and so much technology, let the littlest ones slip thru. The same people who will eventually run this country. Shame on us all.