Sunday, February 19, 2006


Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting Awareness Day When: April 25th, 2006 Where: Around the world! Do your part to get your local community aware of this problem! Did You Know That...Parental Alienation is a form of Child Abuse? Parental alienation or parental alienation syndrome involves the systematic brainwashing and manipulation of children with the sole purpose of destroying a loving and warm relationship they once shared with a parent. Parental alienation and hostile aggressive parenting deprives children of their right to be loved by and showing love for both of their parents. These selfish, vindictive and malicious actions by the alienating parent (i.e., the parent who is responsible for the manipulations and brainwashing) is considered a form of child abuse - as the alienating tactics used on the children are disturbing, confusing and often frightening, and rob children of their sense of security and safety. Most people do not know about Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting until they experience it. Parental Alienation Awareness Day is put forth to help raise awareness about this growing problem of mental child abuse seen mostly in cases of divorce or separation. We need your help to protect the innocent, ...the children. We need your help to educate and make aware to the public the effects of Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting. If you've been effected by Parental Alienation or know someone who has, or are a past victim of a parent who exhibited Hostile Aggressive Parenting and Alienated from one parent, please write and tell us your story. We will add your story to our aricles page for everyone around the world to publish in their local magazines, newspapers, etc. The aim of the awareness day is to make the judges, police officers, phychiatrists, lawyers, as well as friends and family of the people abusing their children by HAP and alienation tactics to become aware.With awareness comes education and understanding, and the power to stop the abuse of innocent children caught in the crossfire of people they love. CHECK OUT
Well, as the reality checks continue to bounce......I sit here in utter confusion and disbelief. I continue to see articles on the effects of internet porn and the victimization of children; new rules and wanna be laws for spouse abuse; All kinds of info on male spouse abuse; abuse in the work place; elderly abuse; Even animal abuse. Save the seals, save the dolphins, save the lobster.......And yet, PAS, PARENTAL ALIENATION is NEVER included. Is this going to be another thing that will be swept under the rug??? Are the holes in the sand already dug, so people can hide their heads and ignore this??? Of course people are hiding...doing the quick hush hush on the issues. Why add another burden to an already over burdened situtaion. If these people would get their act together, and include ALL of these abuses as ABUSE and list criteria for each, so that it would be more easily recognized........ If you pay attention to the politics of our society, it seems children are expendable. Our society is allowing this..... Have we, as a nation, come to the point that any kind of abuse is allowable, as long as it is not recognized by some so called professionals?? Are these abuses ignored because no one has bothered to make up a list of recognizable criteria for someone to signal out?? THESE ARE THE FUTURE LEADERS OF OUR COUNTRY........poor poor kids.