Okay, I know....this is past right??? 2002.... four years ago.... But how can something be put in the past when the problem has really not been solved??? Oh thats right.......there has been nothing in the media......No News No Problems....right??? WRONG!!!!
I am not sure which idiot thinks that this kind of thing just goes away?? Maybe the same person who assumes that these incidents just were one of a kind, based on war time situations, drugs given to the soldiers ect.......which is really ignorant ......Is spouse abuse uncommon in the Special Forces community?? HELL NO.... The media getting wind of it.......Definitly uncommon. Tanya Biank lucked out that day before the Special Ops command could put a big KABASH on it.
The old Green Beret Brotherhood is real careful now...ssshhh......don't tell a soul.....or we might have to kill ya.... YEA... very true....
Wonder what happened to all those ex wives who were calling Tanya up to tell their stories...According to reports hundreds of them.......We sure don't hear a word about them now, do we??? Except for me.......Coz I don't listen...And I may be afraid, but not afraid enough. If I am going to die by some SF soldiers hand or by the hand of God it is going to happen and there is NOTHING I can do to change it.
So...onward I go........Let's take the case of Master Sgt. William Wright, who strangled his wife Jennifer and then buried her body in a shallow grave. He confessed June 29, 2002 and then led authorities to her body. The couple had been having marital problems prior to his going off to war. Apparently after strangling his wife, he put her body is a parachute recovery bag, took her body to Fort Bragg, buried her, and then took his sons fishing. He reported her missing 2 days later, saying he thought she may have run off with another man. 3 weeks later he confessed.
Authorities and experts have tried to blame this on the drug lariam or the recent deployments to Iraq. Guess what.......I say BULL SH**!!!!
Back in 1998, I was married to one of these "ELITE SPECIAL FORCES SOLDIERS".
I can't even begin to count the amount of times he threatened me and my teenage daughter with details of how he would "take us out"(kill) and bury us in the wood line on Fort Bragg and no one would ever find our bodies. Seems my ex and Bill Wright went to the same school.(OMG THEY DID...THE Q COURSE AND AN "A" TEAM and the exact same 3rdGroup!!!) Amazing how I was threatened this way and eventually one of them actually did it. The story said that Jennifer was seeking a divorce. She had told her family she was no longer happy. Does this spell out an "AFFAIR"?? I don't think so, but there has to be an excuse. Everyone forgot that domestic abuse had already gone on with in the family. But seeking help is a NO NO a sign of weakness. And NO ONE better leave an SF soldier....they leave you. No one has mentioned that in the SF BROTHERHOOD there is a saying...."what goes on down range, stays down range". That in this elite brotherhood of REAL MEN who are 10 feet tall and bulletproof, they all cover each others butts and cheating on their spouse is a NORM....not an exception. But AHA, no one will discuss this....That maybe Jennifer finally had enough of the cheating, heard enough stories, and said she was done. Maybe she got tired of living with a man who was so controlling, who came home talking about his "kills", or who had to spend his home time, going to the team room drinking with the boys.
What is even more amazing, is when my wonderful ex pulled a knife on me, held it to my throat and described in detail how he would gut me like a pig, although he was arrested, the case just dissappeared. POOF like Special Forces Magic.... This same group of commanders came to our custody hearing, along with his Girlfriend, the one they had ALL passed around, and testified to what a wonderful soldier he was and had so much honor and integrity. And there he sat with his Girlfriend whom they knew he had been having an adulterous affair with. I wonder if they were aware that he even showed me some of their "secret" hand to hand combat tactics?? I mean right down to showing me how to take a credit card and sliding it between my front teeth to slice someones neck with......Oh yea I had some first hand experience with this stuff...
And what have they done since all of this??? NOTHING..... They are still cheating, still lying, still abusing in the brotherhood, I got your back Bra..... But now it is all HUSH case someone is media....OH NO... yet to this day his ambiguous threats have continued.....
He recently said to my older daughter, when she was trying to visit her brother and sisters, That she needed to erase me, her mother..... That she would have to wait until "this" blew over...(what is "THIS"?) unless she was afraid she was going to die.....In fact, if you were dead it would make my job alot easier...........Ain;'t that wonderful??? Has he got help for this?? HELL NO.... he was trained how to pass psych evals, how to answer questions with what they wanted to hear...He is a professional psychopath. These men are trained to kill their just so happens that sometimes the wife turns into the enemy........ROGER THAT??? WHOOOAAHH
DE OPPRESSO free the opressed??? Who Frees their abused??