Monday, March 13, 2006

Questions To Ask Yourself ~ In the ME ME WORLD

Questions to Ask Yourself When Dealing with the ME ME World
Imagine a first or second date. You can already tell if he is a would-be abuser. Here's how:
Perhaps the first telltale sign is the abuser's defenses – his tendency to blame every mistake of his, every failure, or mishap on others, or on the world at large. Be tuned: does he assume personal responsibility? Does he admit his faults and miscalculations? Or does he keep blaming you, the cab driver, the waiter, the weather, the government, or fortune for his predicament? Is he hypersensitive, picks up fights, feels constantly slighted, injured, and insulted? Does he rant incessantly? Does he treat animals and children impatiently or cruelly and does he express negative and aggressive emotions towards the weak, the poor, the needy, the sentimental, and the disabled? Does he confess to having a history of battering or violent offenses or behavior? Is his language vile and infused with expletives, threats, and hostility?
Next thing: is he too eager? Does he push you to marry him having dated you only twice? Is he planning on having children on your first date? Does he immediately cast you in the role of the love of his life? Is he pressing you for exclusivity, instant intimacy, almost rapes you and acts jealous when you as much as cast a glance at another male? Does he inform you that, once you get hitched, you should abandon your studies or resign your job (forgo your personal autonomy)?
Does he respect your boundaries and privacy? Does he ignore your wishes (for instance, by choosing from the menu or selecting a movie without as much as consulting you)? Does he disrespect your boundaries and treats you as an object or an instrument of gratification (materializes on your doorstep unexpectedly or calls you often prior to your date)? Does he go through your personal belongings while waiting for you to get ready?
Does he control the situation and you compulsively? Does he insist to ride in his car, holds on to the car keys, the money, the theater tickets, and even your bag? Does he disapprove if you are away for too long (for instance when you go to the powder room)? Does he interrogate you when you return ("have you seen anyone interesting") – or make lewd "jokes" and remarks? Does he hint that, in future, you would need his permission to do things – even as innocuous as meeting a friend or visiting with your family?
Does he act in a patronizing and condescending manner and criticizes you often? Does he emphasize your minutest faults (devalues you) even as he exaggerates your talents, traits, and skills (idealizes you)? Is he wildly unrealistic in his expectations from you, from himself, from the budding relationship, and from life in general? Does he tell you constantly that you "make him feel" good? Don't be impressed. Next thing, he may tell you that you "make" him feel bad, or that you make him feel violent, or that you "provoke" him. "Look what you made me do!" is an abuser's ubiquitous catchphrase.
Does he find sadistic sex exciting? Does he have fantasies of rape or pedophilia? Is he too forceful with you in and out of the sexual intercourse? Does he like hurting you physically or finds it amusing? Does he abuse you verbally – does he curse you, demeans you, calls you ugly or inappropriately diminutive names, or persistently criticizes you? Does he then switch to being saccharine and "loving", apologizes profusely and buys you gifts?
If you have answered "yes" to any of the above – stay away! He is an abuser. Then there is the abuser's body language. It comprises an unequivocal series of subtle – but discernible – warning signs. Pay attention to the way your date comports himself – and save yourself a lot of trouble!

Men Problems and the bad "PICKER"

I admit it....I have a bad picker. It might be broken. I don't know...
Oh yea, what is a picker?? It is that "gut instinct" that most women have when meeting a man. You might notice that you seem to attract the losers, the abusers, the chronic assholes..... Your PICKER is broke or at the very least, malfunctioning! So ....Me personally, I end up chosing either men with a Narcisisstic personality disorder or men who are just too willing to do exactly what I say.."PW"ed. Either one extreme or the other. Does this have a familiar ring to it??? haha Well, my problem is not with the PWed men, they are passive and no threat to me. But...the narcisisstic men.......THEY are a problem.....and not just for me, but for many of fact, some are problems in society in general. But there is good news..........There are tons of RED FLAGS that we all can be aware of!!! Most N's are very deceptive. They are hard to spot, hard to pinpoint and even worse, harder to pin down. Even mental health professionals have trouble so don't feel so badly. These guys present to us, the gullible women, this False Self...most of it is fictional. By the time he shows his true colors, it is usually too late. By then it is hard to seperate from them.
Good news, A list of the RED FLAGS!!!!!! So read and learn!
1. haughty body language~ as if he is so much better, superior we might think of it as a cockiness. Something some of us find attractive in some weird kind of way. You might notice his amused indifference to his surroundings, he will look you straight in the eye. But you may notice he doesn't get really physically close. He may verbally banter with others in social situations, although a condesending attitude might be noticable. He may mingle around, but he might appear to be the lone wolf type.
2. Entitlement~He will almost always ask for "special treatment"..whether it be not waiting his turn, demand to speak to a supervisor, get served first ect..He will demand the undivided attention of a waiter at a resturant, or the hostess.
He might get angry if he does not get his way, because he sees others as inferior to himself
3. Idealization or devaluation~ He will either instantly idealize you or devalue you. He will smoothly lavish you with compliments, flattery, acts as if he totally adores you almost to the point of it becoming embarrassing. Or he will go to the other extreme by totally humiliating you. Sulks, whines ect... and you wonder what the hell you did to deserve this!
Once they have you hooked, you will notice that this polite and charming guy does not exist. His flattery has deteriorated to caustic verbal barbs and hostility!
4. Membership posture "I BELONG HERE"~ This guy always tries to "belong".But at the same time, he tends to be an outsider. He seeks to be admired for his ability to integrate and ingratiate himself without exerting the effort.
Here is an example: "For instance: if the narcissist talks to a psychologist, the narcissist first states emphatically that he never studied psychology. He then proceeds to make seemingly effortless use of obscure professional terms, thus demonstrating that he mastered the discipline all the same, as an autodidact – which proves that he is exceptionally intelligent or introspective."
This guy prefers to show off...but there is nothing real about him. He will never admit to not knowing about something. He prefers others think he is a jack of all..If you question him further, you may see a spark of rage or he will change the topic.
5. Bragging~He will brag ALL of the time. I, me, myself are keywords for him. You will hear of his achievements, he will name drop, ect... But you might wonder, at his age, or based on what he does not, how this is true.
6. Sweet Emotions NOT~ He loves to talk.......ABOUT HIMSELF. He has NO interest in others, unless he is trying to feed off of them. He acts bored, distainful, even angry if YOU intrude on HIM. Might even see it as YOU abusing HIM!
This guy is dead serious about himself.He may possess a subtle, wry, and riotous sense of humor, scathing and cynical, but rarely is he self-deprecating.This self-misperception is not amenable to light-headedness or self-effacement. This guy is easily hurt and insulted.Even the most unintention remarks or acts are interpreted by him as belittling, intruding, or coercive. His time is more valuable than others' – therefore, it cannot be wasted on unimportant matters such as mere banter or going out for a walk.Any suggested help, advice, or concerned inquiry are immediately cast by him as intentional humiliation, implying that HE is in need of help and counsel and, thus, imperfect and less than omnipotent.
These – the lack of empathy, the aloofness, the disdain, the sense of entitlement, the constricted sense of humor, the unequal treatment and the paranoia – render this guy a social misfit. He is able to provoke in his milieu, in his casual acquaintances, even in his psychotherapist, the strongest, most avid and furious hatred and revulsion. To his shock, indignation and consternation, he invariably induces in others unbridled aggression.
He is perceived to be asocial at best and, often, antisocial. This, perhaps, is the strongest presenting symptom. One feels ill at ease in the presence of him for no apparent reason. No matter how charming, intelligent, thought provoking, outgoing, easy going and social he is – he fails to secure the sympathy of others, a sympathy he is never ready, willing, or able to reciprocate.