Sunday, February 05, 2006

My Rock and Hard Spot Just Got Bigger....Dreams of Rape??!!!

My "rock and a hard spot" just got bigger... OMG..... What 15 year old girl has dreams about being raped??? And has had these dreams since she was 9 years old????? WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS HOUSE TO SPAWN SUCH DREAMS???? Are these dreams of a past experience?? Of a present happening??? Or do these dreams have other meanings??? I searched for meanings of dreams and came up with this.... rape - You feel used or your integrity violated by someone or circumstances that was forced upon you. Rapedream~ interpretation meaning of dream ~Dreaming about being raped is a nightmare that inflicts fear and anxiety upon recall. Since rape is a brutal and deeply personal violation, it suggests that the dreamer may be feeling robbed of options and negated as a human being. In a dream, as in real life, rape have very little to do with sex. It is about power, control, anger, and other very destructive emotions. In order to understand this dream, you may need to think about the areas of your life that causes you great anxiety and fear. If you are superstitious, take this dream as a warning. Take precautions, protect yourself emotionally and physically and don't engage in careless behaviors. If you were a rape victim, the traumatic nature of this experience may cause you to have a dream like this from time to time.